Scientific Research Ped Mind Institute (since 2010)
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Buchveröffentlichung, 09/2024, „Checklisten Pädiatrie und Neonatologie“
- 2. Auflage, Elsevier Verlag München
- Shop
- Bittmann S: Korrespondenz
- Diskussion zu dem Beitrag „Dengue: Diagnostik, Risikostratifizierung und Behandlung
- Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, in press, 2025 - DOI:10.328/arztbl.m2025.0023
- Stefan Bittmann:
- The Missing Pages: The Origin of Alice Wonderland Syndrome
- Journal of Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health.. 9 (2025): 01-13.
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in childhood: abuse is the root?
- Generis Publishing (2025), Book, ISBN 979-8-89248-801-38-801-3
- Generis Publishing
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Marco Castilho and Renata Moldenhauer Minillo:
- Novel KMT5B Variant c.889A>G: p. (Ile297Val) Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder in a 9 Years-Old Brazilian Boy
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2025 25(4) AJBSR.MS.ID.003345
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Elena Moschüring:
- Nanoparticles for Biomedical Science and Research
- Asian Journal of Physical and Chemical Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 1, Page 15-21, 2025; Article no.AJOPACS.130155
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Elena Moschüring Alieva:
- High Grade Osteoblastic Osteosarcoma of the Proximal Humerus in a 14 Years-Old Teenager: An Accidental finding after fall from a Bicycle
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2025 25(3) AJBSR.MS.ID.003328
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring:
- A New Heterozygous Duplication Variant c.953G>A p.(Arg318His) in MECP2 Gene in a 6 Years-Old Female Confirming Rett Syndrome
- Novel Research in Sciences, 16 (4). NRS.000892 (2024)
- Stefan Bittmann:
- The Role of Synaptic Cargo Transporters in Regulating Neuronal Excitation/Inhibition Balance in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Focus on Syntabulin syntaxin 1 A/B Axis
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 12, Page 37-46, 2024; Article no.AJPR.126643
- Stefan Bittmann:
- The Role of Synaptic Dysfunction as a Key Driver in Autism Pathogenesis
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 11, Page 55-67, 2024; Article no.AJPR.126641
- Bittmann, S.:
- Is a Synaptic Dysfunction the Origin of Autism?
- Preprints 2024, 2024102314.
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Highly Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor of the Appendix
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 11, Page 1-7, 2024; Article no.AJPR.125099
- Wenyan Jiao, Stefan Bittmann, Begench Annaye, Guvanch Kerimov, and Fuyong Jiao:
- New Progress in Study of Tourette's disease
- World Journal of Molecular Medicine 1(4), 01-06. 2024
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- The Link between Dengue Fever and Kawasaki Disease in Children
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 10, Page 22-28, 2024; Article no.AJPR.124166
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Unravel the Enigma of Kawasaki Disease: Groping in the Dark
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 10, Page 1-10, 2024; Article no.AJPR.123343
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Autosomal Recessive Spastic Paraplegia Type 51 Caused by Homozygous Mutation of the AP4E1 Gene: A Case Report of a 17 Years Old Boy
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 9, Page 10-14, 2024; Article no.AJPR.122370
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Genetic Treatment Approaches in Rare Pediatric Diseases
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 9, Page 1-9, 2024; Article no.AJPR.122475
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in Childhood: Molecular, Neurobiological and Genetic Aspects
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 8, Page 8-17, 2024; Article no.AJPR.120823
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Low grade Gliomas in Children
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 7, Page 99-106, 2024; Article no.AJPR.119374
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Allan-Herndon-Dudley-Syndrome in Childhood: Is there No Cure?
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 7, Page 79-85, 2024; Article no.AJPR.117958
- Stefan Bittmann MA:
- Selective Phosphodiesterase 4D (PDE4D) Allosteric Inhibitors for the Treatment of FMR-1 Gene Defects and other Pediatric Syndromal Disorders Associated with Cognitive Impairment
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 7, Page 1-15, 2024; Article no.AJPR.118003
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Current Pathophysiological and Therapeutic Options for Children with Hutchinson Gilford Syndrome
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 6, Page 61-76, 2024; Article no.AJPR.117290
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- Concomitant Autoimmune Pancreatitis Type 2 and Colitis Ulcerosa in a 10 Years Old Girl
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 6, Page 37-44, 2024;Article no.AJPR.116896
- Stefan Bittmann Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- New Insights in the Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease in Childhood
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 6, Page 5-15, 2024; Article no.AJPR.116558
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Novel Targets in Rare Liver Diseases in Childhood
- Applied Medical Research, 2024 VOL 11, NO. 4, PAGE 1 – 11
- Bittmann, S., Villalon, G., Moschüring-Alieva, E., BIttmann, L. & Luchter, E.:
- Research on Liver Organoid: Present Situation, Limiting Factors and Future Therapeutical Potential in Pediatric Diseases
- Advancement and New Understanding in Medical Science Vol. 10, 114–123
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Primary Bile Acid Disorders: A Largely Unknown Group of Rare Genetic Diseases in Newborns
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 5, Page 1-7, 2024; Article no.AJPR.114932
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- Incubators in Neonatal Medicine
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 40-48, 2024; Article no.AJPR.115258
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- The Role of Fibroblast Growth Factor-Receptor Pathway Aberrations in Pediatric Diseases
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 4, Page 20-27, 2024; Article no.AJPR.114843
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- Transient Anti PM-Scl75 Antibody Positive Acral Ischemia Syndrome in a 15 Years-Old Girl
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 14, Issue 3, Page 37-43, 2024; Article no.AJPR.114371
- Stefan Bittmann, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara BIttmann, Elisabeth Luchter:
- Liver Organoid Research: Present Situation, limiting Factors and Future Therapeutical Potential in Pediatric Diseases
Book Chapter in: New Visions in Medicine and Medical Science (International Book), Verlag BP International London UK
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Giesinger Gedenken
- Süddeutsche Zeitung, Januar 2024
- zum Artikel
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Recurrent Ophthalmic Eczema Herpeticum with Hyper Immunoglobulin E Syndrome in A 4 Years-Old Boy
- Journal of Paediatrics and Neonatal Disorders, J Paedatr Neo natal Dis 8(1): 103
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring Alieva:
- How do we Treat Aberrant Excessive Signaling in FGF3 Receptor Pathway to Cure Achondroplasia in Childhood?
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 20(2) AJBSR.MS.ID.002696
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- What is the Clue to Cure Pompe Disease in Childhood?
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 20(2) AJBSR.MS.ID.002700
- Stefan Bittmann, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Elisabeth Luchter:
- Liver Organoid Research: Present Situation, limiting Factors and Future Therapeutical Potential in Pediatric Diseases
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 13, Issue 3, Page 34-40, 2023; Article no.AJPR.105410
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Pediatric Premature Aging Diseases
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res. 2023;2(1): 18-21
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Aysel Shirinova:
- EFMR Syndrome: Epilepsy and Mental Retardation Restricted to Females in Childhood
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 13, Issue 3, Page 29-33, 2023; Article no.AJPR.105459
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Aysel Shirinova:
- Spinal Muscle Atrophy (SMA) in a 5 Years Old Girl from Macedonia: Case Report
- Asian Journal of Pediatric Research, Volume 13, Issue 3, Page 24-28, 2023; Article no.AJPR.105408
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Helmet Therapy in Childhood: Clear Guidelines are Missing
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2023, Issue S15
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Gloria Villalon:
- The HPV Vaccination: Retrospective Analysis of the Early First Two Vaccine Alternatives
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2023, Issue S15
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Phelan-Mc Dermid-Syndrome in a 7 Years-Old Boy: Pathogenic (Class 4) 2547_2548delgginsttc; P. (Arg849Lysfs*534) In Heterozygous Form
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 19(3) AJBSR.MS.ID.002594
- Stefan Bittmann:
- The Role of Klotho in Pediatric Diseases and Aging
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 19(3) AJBSR. MS.ID.002593
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring Alieva, Gloria Villalon and Lara Bittmann:
- The Role of Klotho in Pediatric Premature Aging Diseases
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 19(3) AJBSR.MS.ID.002592
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Epilepsy and Mental Retardation Restricted to Females (EFMR Syndrome) in a Child: PCDH19 Mutation with Pathogenic Heterogenous Variant C. 1720G>T
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res. 2023;2(1):14-17.
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva and Gloria Villalon:
- Immunglobulin-A Mediated Vasculitis in A 9 Years-Old Boy
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 18(4) AJBSR.MS.ID.002515
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon
- Curing Classical Homocysteinuria with Pediatric in vitro engineered Liver Organoid Transplantation?
- Neurology & Neuroscience, Neurol Neurosci. (2023) Vol 4, Issue 1
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva and Gloria Villalon:
- Pulmonary Agenesis in a Newborn
- Japan Journal of Clinical & Medical Research, Jap J Clin & Med Res, 2023, Volume 3(2): 1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Elena Moschüring Alieva:
- Bilateral Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus: A Painful Dermatomal Rash of Both Eyes in A 4 Years-Old Child
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2023 18(3) AJBSR.MS.ID.002463
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Bittmann L, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G:
- Recent advances in pediatric telemedicine
- Journal of Biomed Research, Biomed Res. 2023;4(1):22-24.
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Pediatric telemedicine and abdominal pain in children
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Neonatology, J Clin Pediatr Neonatol. 2023; 3(1):1-3.
- Stefan Bittmann, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschuring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann:
- Current and Novel Therapeutical Approaches of Classical Homocystinuria in Childhood With Special Focus on Enzyme Replacement Therapy, Liver-Directed Therapy and Gene Therapy
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, J Clin Med Res. 2023;15(2):76-83
- Bittmann S:
- Report „Walking Dead Syndrome and the spookiest medical conditions explained“, Topic: Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- New York Post , published by Deirdre A. Reilly , Fox News October 31, 2022
- » Report ...
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschuring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon:
- Current and Future Therapeutical Aspects of X-Linked Hypophosphatemia in Children With Special Attention to Klotho/Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 System
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Bittmann L, Alieva EM and Villalon G:
- The Genetic Architecture of CDKL5 Disorder in Childhood
- Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology, RPN. 000648. 2022
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschuring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon:
- Current Aspects of Treatment Options of Chronic Sialorrhea in Children
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, J Clin Med Res. 2022;14(6):246-249
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Similar Visual Disturbance Two Weeks after SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a 5-year-old Boy
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S8
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Bittmann L and Villalon G:
- A New Telemedicine Questionnaire in Pediatrics
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S8
- Stefan Bittmann:
- What do We Know About the Serine Protease Inhibitor Camostate in SARS-CoV-2-infection?
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S7
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Is Pediatric Telemedicine the Gold Standard in Future Pandemic Situations?
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S7
- Stefan Bittmann:
- A Present Update of Camostate and the Role in SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res. 2022;1(1):1-5.
- Stefan Bittmann, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Anne Weissenstein:
- Treat Faces: Child Affective Facial Expressions as an Indicator for Degree of Illness?
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res. 2022;1(1):1-7.
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Is Covid-19 a Trigger of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res. 2022;1(1):1-3.
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Remove Pediatric Telemedicine Face to Face Contact?
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res. 2022;1(1):1-2.
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Abdominal Examination of Children with Telemedicine in Covid-19 Pandemic
- Journal of Clinical Pediatrics Research, J Clin Ped Res2022;1(1):1-3.
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Children in Ukrainian-Russian War 2022
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S3
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschuring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein:
- First Pediatric Case of Autosomal Recessive Homozygotic Bestrophinopathy due to Homozygous Mutation c.187G>C p. in Two Brothers
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, J Clin Med Res. 2022
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Genetic Aspects of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Letter to the Editor
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S3
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Bittmann L, and Villalon G:
- Familial Hyperekplexia in Two Sisters: An Unusual but Treatable Neuropediatric Entity
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue S3
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Mucopolysaccharidosis VI (MPS 6): Current Treatment and Future Perspectives with Focus on Enzyme Replacement Therapy, Gene Therapy and Glycosaminoglycans Clearance Therapy in Utero and After Delivery
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 22022 - 15(6). AJBSR.MS.ID.002167
- Stefan Bittmann
- The Secrets of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
- BIOMEDICAL Journal of Scientific & Technical Research. 42(3)-2022. BJSTR. MS.ID.006767
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Omicron and the Role in Children
- International Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, 2022
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschuring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Gloria Villalon:
- What Is New With Omicron Variant of SARS-CoV-2 in Children?
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, J Clin Med Res. 2022;14(2):108-109
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon and Lara Bittmann:
- Klippel-Trénaunay-Syndrome in Childhood
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 4
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon and Lara Bittmann:
- Helmet Therapy in Childhood
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 4, 2 pages
- Bittmann, S:
- Role of Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 in children in Germany
- World J Pediatr (2022).
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva and Gloria Villalon:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders in Childhood: An Overview
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 4
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Tumoral calcinosis in childhood
- Praxis (Bern 1994). 2005 Aug 24;94(34):1309-11. German. doi: 10.1024/0369-8394.94.34.1309. PMID: 16171000
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Omicron: An Unpredictable New Viral Agent
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 3
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon and Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- Hunter Disease in Children (MPS II): New Aspects and Treatment Options
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 3
- Book Publication
- Advances International Research on Kawasaki Disease
- Stefan Bittmann, International Book Consultant ISBN 978-7-5369-8263-5, Shaanxi, Xian, China
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva and Gloria Villalon:
- The Mysterious Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2022, Issue 2
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschuring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Gloria Villalon:
- Telemedicine in Pediatrics: Introduction of an Innovative New Tool to Diagnose and Treat Children in an Ambulatory Setting
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, J Clin Med Res. 2021;13(10-11):515-516
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter and Gloria Villalon:
- Preliminary Results of a Telemedicine Questionnaire in Pediatrics as an Innovative New Tool to Diagnose and Treat Children Virtually in an Ambulatory Setting: Analysis of 400 Pediatric Consultations
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021; 3(6):1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Gloria Villalon:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Is There a Genetic Origin?
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021; 3(6):1-4
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter, Anne Weissenstein and Gloria Villalon:
- First-Person Perspective of Alice in Wonderland Like Visual Perceptions Presented Primary as Microsomatognosia as Leading Symptom of a 24 Years-Old Student From Chile
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021; 3(6):1-4
- Jiale W, Jiao F and Bittmann S:
- Preliminary Results of Vitamin D3 Application Combined With Anisodamine In the Treatment of Alopecia Areata in Children
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(6):1-4
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Bittmann L and Villalon G:
- Preliminary Experience of Video Conferences in Pediatrics in Covid-19 Pandemic
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021; 3(6)1-2
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Bittmann L and Villalon G:
- Masitinib and Its Role in Inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 Infection
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021; 3(5)1-2
- Bittmann S:
- International Medical Consultant
- Shaanxi International Medical Exchange, Journal, Shaanxi, China
- Villalon G, Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Abdominal Lymphangioma in Children: A Pediatric Retrospective Chart Review of 16 Cases
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(3)1-5
- Bittmann S, Villalon G, Moschüring-Alieva E, Luchter E:
- Zorbing in Impaired Children: An Innovative New Alternative For Better Self-Consciousness, Body Coordination and Motor Function?
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(3)1-3
- Bittmann S, Moschüring-Alieva E, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G:
- Virtual Reality (VR) in Pediatrics: Innovative Perspectives With Special Reference To Clinical Applications and Pediatric Rehabilitation
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(3)1-3
- Villalon G, Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- The Unusual Entity of Wandering Spleen In Childhood: A Recommendation for Classification
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;2(6):1-4
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- The Unusual Case of A Sternoclavicular Joint Cyst In A 21 Months Old Child
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;2(6):1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva:
- Long Time Coming - Medihoney™ is also Gaining Ground in Pediatrics
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;2(6):1-2
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Anne Weissenstein:
- Kawasaki Syndrome in Germany: Historical Aspects and Current Update
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;2(6):1-6
- Dr Stefan Bittmann, Ginette Ross
- Challenges, risk and approaches of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 in children
- Special Issue Invite as Editor-in-Chief, Advances in Pediatric Research, Longdom
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon and Anne Weissenstein:
- Neurologic Manifestations of COVID-19 Disease in Children and adults
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(2):1-4
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring Alieva, Gloria Villalon, Anne Weissenstein and Elisabeth Luchter:
- COVID-19 Pandemic: Perception, Confusion, Conspiracy Theories and Outlook
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(1):1-2
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Aberfan: in memoriam
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(1):1-2
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Elisabeth Luchter:
- Social robotics in children with autism disorders
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(1):1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Elisabeth Luchter:
- The Role of Humanoid Robotics in Health Care System
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(1):1-4
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Elisabeth Luchter:
- The Role of Social Robotics: Diminishing Social Isolation in COVID-19 Pandemia
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(2):1-4
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Elisabeth Luchter:
- Corona pandemic: How Humanoid Robotics can Help
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;3(1):1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon,Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann and Elisabeth Luchter:
- The Importance of Four-Finger Furrow in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Chromosomal Anomalies
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;3(1):1-4
- Stefan Bittmann:
- COVID-19 Pandemia in Germany: Retrospective Analysis of Nationwide Pandemic Management
- COJ Nurse Healthcare. 6(2). COJNH. 000639. 2020
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Bittmann L and Moschüring-Alieva E:
- Overall Analysis of COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(4):1-2
- Bittmann S, Weissenstein A, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G and Luchter E:
- Neuropilin-1 in Transmission Process of COVID-19
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(4):1-2
- Fuyong Jiao, Chongchen Zhou, Yibo Cheng, Shuying Luo, Lei Ma, Xinggang Zhen, Yingjun Feng, Min Li, Stefan Bittmann:
- Successful Treatment of a Critical ill Newborn with COVID-19 Pneumonia after Cesarean Section
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2020 - 9(3). AJBSR.MS.ID.001383
- Bittmann S, Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G:
- Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C): The role of viral superantigens in COVID-19 disease
- Journal of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, J Allergy Infect Dis 2020; 1(1):18-20
- Tungalag Osgonbaatar, Fuyong Jiao, Stefan Bittmann:
- Short comment on COVID-19 pandemic in Mongolia
- Journal of Biomed Research, J Biomed Res 2020; 1(1):6
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter:
- Association of COVID-19 coronavirus and Kawasaki syndrome like features in 1-5 years old children
- The Neuroscience Chronicles, Neurosci Chron 2020; 1(1):4-5.
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Anne Weissenstein, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon:
- COVID-19: ACE-2 Receptor, TMPRSS2, Cathepsin-L/B and CD-147 Receptor
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(3):1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter:
- Simultaneous Treatment of COVID-19 With Serine Protease Inhibitor Camostat and/or Cathepsin L Inhibitor?
- Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, jocmr4161
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring- Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter:
- Front-line Healthcare Workers in COVID-19: The way from Elbow-Bump Greeting to Closing Body Bags
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(3):1-3.
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring- Alieva:
- ACE-2-Receptors of the Epidermis, Dermal Vascular Walls and Sebaceous Gland Cells: The Way of COVID-19 Entry into the Body?
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(3):1-3.
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon:
- COVID-19: Expression of ACE2-receptors in the Brain Suggest Neurotropic Damage
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(3):1-3
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon:
- The role of TMPRSS2 and TMPRSS2- Inhibitors in cell entry mechanism of COVID-19
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(3):1-3.
- Bittmann S, Weissenstein A, Villalon G, Moschüring-Alieva E, Bittmann L, Luchter E:
- Does COVID-19 Uses ACE-2-Receptors of the Epidermis As Entry into the Body?
- Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology, RPN.000590. 4(3).2020
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon:
- COVID-19-fatality Analysis 3 Months after Outbreak in Children
- Clinical Surgery Journals, Vol 4 Iss 2
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter:
- Treatment Options in COVID-19: The Role of Bioavailable Antiviral Ribonucleoside Analogon NHC in vitro
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(2):1-2.024
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring Alieva, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon
- A Neurotropic Potential for Brain Damage in COVID-19
- BIOMEDICAL Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, 27(1)-2020. BJSTR. MS.ID.004437.
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Anne Weissenstein, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon:
- The Role of TMPRSS2-Inhibitor Camostat in the Pathogenesis of COVID-19 in Lung Cells
- Journal of Stem Cell Research, 2020-04-15
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alievaoschüring-Alieva E:
- TMPRSS2-Inhibitors Play a role in Cell Entry Mechanism of COVID-19: An Insight into Camostat and Nafamostat
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(2):1-3.
- Stefan Bittmann, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Lara Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter:
- COVID-19: The Importance of Adequate Personal Protective Equipment in Healthcare Medical Staff
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(2):1-2.
- Bittmann S:
- Covid-19-The Role of Children and Search for Effective Treatment Options with Promising view to Angiotensin II Inhibitors
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research 2020 - 8(4). (MS.ID.001273. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.08.001273)
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon, Anne Weissenstein:
- COVID 19: Camostat and The Role of Serine Protease Entry Inhibitor TMPRSS2
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(2):1-2
- Bittmann S:
- COVID-19 in Adults and Children: The Clock is Ticking.
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(2):1-2.
- Fuyong Jiao, Stefan Bittmann:
- A new classification of clinical findings and treatment options of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children from China
- Advances of Pediatric Research 2020, 7:37. dot:10.35248/2385-4529.20.7.37
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Anne Weissenstein
- Clinical Landmarks of COVID-19 in Newborn, Children and Teenagers
- Journal of Pediatric Health and Nutrition
- Stefan Bittmann:
- COVID-19: What We Know
- Journal of Pediatric Health and Nutrition 2020, published online (ahead of print)
- Bittmann S*, Luchter E and Villalon G:
- COVID-19: The Importance of Mouth Mask and Good Virostatic Mouth Hygiene to Prevent Infection
- Paediatr Neonatal Med 2(1): 112, 2020
- Stefan Bittmann*, Elisabeth Luchter, Anne Weissenstein, Gloria Villalon
- SARS-CoV-2-Infection in Children and Newborn: Less Severe Than in Adults?
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research 2020 - 8(3). (MS.ID.001269. DOI: 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.08.001269)
- Bittmann S
- COVID-19: The role of Angiotensin-2 Receptor in Transmission Process
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;2(1):1-2.
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Thiel M, Kameda G, Hanano R, Längler A:
- Does honey have a role in paediatric wound management?
- British Journal of Nursing, Tissue Viability Supplement, Vol 19, No 15, 19-24, 2010
- Bittmann S, Wittekindt C, Helmstädter V:
- Picibanil Therapy for Cervicofacial Lymphatic Malformation.
- Hongkong Journal of Pediatrics, (new series); 15;161-164, 2010
- Bittmann S, Bittmann V:
- Surgical experience and cosmetic outcomes in children with sacrococcygeal teratoma.
- Curr Surg 2006 Jan-Feb;63(1):51-4 - Current Surgery, USA; Peer Review Journal (Journal of Surgical Education)
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Tumoral calcinosis in childhood.
Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 2005 Aug 24;94(34):1309-11
Schweizerische Medizinische Rundschau; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S:
- Surgical experience in children with biliary atresia treated with portoenterostomy.
Curr Surg. 2005 Jul-Aug;62(4):439-43
Current Surgery, USA ; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S:
- Bacterial osteomyelitis after varicella infection in children.
J Bone Miner Metab. 2004;22(3):283-5
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism, Japan; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Parent satisfaction with pediatric day surgery: a questionnaire-based study
- Journal of Ambulatory Surgery 11 (1/2), 3-5 (2004) Great Britain; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Der Hydrozephalus-ein historischer Rückblick
- Chirurgische Praxis 62, 499-502 (2003/2004); EMBASE-listed, Deutschland
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Das Pilomatrixom im Kindesalter
- Chirurgische Praxis 61, 547-550 (2003), EMBASE-listed, Deutschland
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Spektrum und Erfahrungen in einer kinderchirurgischen Praxis. Elternbegleitbogen als Qualitätskontrolle in der ambulanten Kinderchirurgie
- Kinder-und Jugendarzt 34 (10), 748-750 (2003), Deutschland
- Bittmann S:
- Weniger Stress, weniger Wundinfektionen: Erfolge der ambulanten Kinderchirurgie
- Heilberufe, das Pflegemagazin 9, 40-41 (2003)
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Spectrum and experiences in general pediatric surgery practice: parent questionnaire as quality control in ambulatory pediatric surgery
- Kinderkrankenschwester 22 (11), 472-473 (2003), Deutschland
- Bittmann S:
- Die Gallengangsatresie-Therapiekonzepte und Prognose
- Kinder-und Jugendarzt 31, 149-155 (2000), Deutschland
- Beyerlein S, Bittmann S, Bach C, Schier F:
- Popliteal cysts in Childhood
- European Surgery 34 (181):23 (2002)
- Bittmann S, Moschüring-Alieva E, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G:
- Another Case of Physical Abuse In Childhood Between Age 7-11 and Alice In Wonderland-Like Seizures Retrospectively Described By A 45 Years-Old Man In Detail
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(4)1-8
- Bittmann S, Moschüring-Alieva E, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G:
- Kawasaki Syndrome: A Special View To New Entities Like MIS-C, PIMS and Kawasaki-Like Features In Covid-19 Disease With Recommendation of Classification
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(4)1-6
- Stefan Bittmann, Elena Moschüring Alieva, Anne Weissenstein, Elisabeth Luchter, Gloria Villalon
- Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Treatment Options
- Editorial, Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research May, 2020, Volume 27, 3, pp 20872-20874
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Weissenstein A and Villalon G:
- Triggered Alice in Wonderland-like Disturbed Visual Body Sensations Arbitrarily Inducible by Firm Hand Position in a Pillow in Bed Since Age 6
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2020 - 10.34297/AJBSR.2020.10.001512
- Bittmann S, Moschüring-Alieva E, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Bittmann L and Villalon G:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: The First Case of Arbitrary, Reproducible, Early Childhood AIWS-like Visual Sensations in a Meditation Setting
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research, 2020 - 9(3). AJBSR.MS.ID.001395
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Villalon G:
- The Role of Medical Honey (Medihoney) in Pediatric Medical Care: A Critical Review.
- J Clin Cases Rep 3(2): 59-65, 2019
- Bittmann S, Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Villalon G:
- Draw a Man, Make the very Best you can
- Acta Scientific Nutritional Health 3.9 (2019): 174-177
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G:
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Pediatrics
- Editorial, Pediatric Research and Child Health, 2:001-003, 2019
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G:
- A critical analysis of HPV vaccination in children
- American Journal of Biomedical Science and Research,4 (5), 307-312, 2019
- Bittmann S, Luchter E:
- An innovative new technique of pediatric vaccination: Take both hands and hold the needle to avoid damage of nociceptors and capillaries
- Editorial as Editor-in Chief; Advances in Pediatric Research, Special Issue „Insights in Pediatric Research and Vaccine Pain Management in Children“, accepted 5/2019
- Bittmann S:
- Keynote Forum, 14 th World Congress on General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
- Sept 25-27, 2017, Chicago, USA
- Bittmann S:
- The real origin of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in Childhood is still unknown: Does physical abuse play a major role?
- Editorial as Editor in Chief; Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2019, Indien
- Bittmann S:
- The origin of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: Charles Dodgson and his attraction to small children
- Editorial, Advances in Pediatric Research 5:24, 2019
- Bittmann S:
- The Clue to the Unknown Origin of Alice in Wonderland in Children?
- Editorial, Pediatric Research and Child Health, December 2018
- Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Villalon G, Bittmann S:
- Important new sociodemographic variables of parent satisfaction in child care: Interaction with the doctor, short waiting period and sweet waiting room
- Accepted for publication; Research Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, USA, 8/2018
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Villalon G:
- Does Sexual Abuse Play a Causative Role in Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in Childhood? A Help Screaming from Internet.
- J Perinat Clin Pediatr: JPCP-104, 27 September, 2018 (USA)
- Bittmann S:
- Abuse in children: indicator of failure in relationship?
- Editorial, Advances in Pediatric Research, Special Issue: Adressing the Determinants of Global Child Health, USA (9/2018)
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome in Childhood: Abuse is the root?
- Accepted for publication; USA, 8/2018
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Villalon G:
- The first two years with hydranencephaly: an unusual medical course of a male child with a missing part of the brain
- Accepted for publication; Journal of Pediatric Diseases, USA, 8/2018
- Bittmann S
- Advances in pediatric research
- Adv Pediatr Res 5:9. doi:10.12715/apr.2018.5.9, 2018
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G
- A new variante of INF2-gene mutation: Correlation with Charcot-Marie-Tooth type E neuropathy?
- Accepted, Journal of Pediatric Diseases, USA, 6/2018
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G:
- Medical honey and the role in pediatric emergency wound management.
- Accepted 6/2018, Journal of Pediatric Diseases, USA
- Bittmann S:
- First results of treating pediatric wounds with medihoney: analysis of 60 cases.
- Accepted GSL Journal of Pediatrics, USA, 5/2018
- Weissenstein A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Pipeline bandage with marigold essence in pediatric bee sting lesions.
- Applied Medical Research 1 (1):32-34, 2015
- Weissenstein A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Tumor suppressor candidate 3 gene (TUSC 3) deletion correlates with mental retardation in a child.
- Applied Medical Research 1 (1): 35-36, 2015
- Weissenstein A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- A newborn with a missing cerebrum.
- Applied Medical Research (1):37-38, 2015
- Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Villalon G, Bittmann S:
- Chinese restaurant syndrome: An unaspected self-experience in a married couple.
- in peer review
- Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Successful treatment of infantile haemangioma with propranolol.
- accepted for publication, British Journal of Nursing 02/2015
- Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: a rare neurological manifestation with microscopy in a 6 years old child.
- accepted for publication in: Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences 12/2014
- Weissenstein A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Vaccine patches in pediatrics: future or false hope?
- International Journal of Innovative Medicine and Health Sciences (UK), Vol.2, 6-10, 2014
- Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Medical honey and its role in pediatric patients.
- Br J Nurs. 2014 Mar 27;23(6):S30-4
- Weissenstein A, Straeter A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- The role of complementary medicine in a pediatric center in Germany.
- Forsch Komplementmed 20 (4): 281-285, 2013
- Weissenstein A, Straeter A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- High frequency of CAM use among children in germany.
- Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, Vol 18, No 8, 2012, 1-2
- Bittmann S, Krüger C:
- Benzocaine-induced methemoglobinemia: a case study.
- British Journal of Nursing, Vol 20, No 3, 168-170, 2011
- Weissenstein A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Children`s haemangiomas: use of new topical therapies.
- British Journal of Nursing, 2012 Mar 8-21;21(5):274
- Weissenstein A, Straeter A, Villalon G, Bittmann S:
- Topical timolol for small infantile hemangioma: a new therapy option.
- The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics, 2012
- Weissenstein A, Straeter A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Reminder: How with little effort the vaccination of children can be made less painful.
- Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2012 Apr 20.
- Weissenstein A, Straeter A, Villalon G, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Parent satisfaction with a pediatric practice in Germany: a questionnaire-based study.
- Italian Journal of Pediatrics, 2011 Jul 5;37:31
- Stefan Bittmann, Gloria Villalon, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Elisabeth Luchter:
- One of Curious Congenital Midline Abdominal Defects In Newborn: A Giant Omphalozele In A 3 Years-Old Boy
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(3)1-5
- Bittmann S, Moschüring-Alieva E, Bittmann L, Luchter E, Villalon G:
- Topical Beta Blockers in Small Infantile Hemangioma: State of the Art?
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(3)1-3
- Elisabeth Luchter, Stefan Bittmann:
- The Palliative Management of A Cancer Patient With Giant Retinoblastoma of The Left Eye
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2021;3(3)1-3
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Bittmann L, Alieva EM, and Villalon G:
- Mysterious Alice in Wonderland like visual sensations one week after traumatic kick against the eye in a 5 years-old boy
- Nov Res Sci. 5(3). NRS.000614. 2020. DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2020.05.000614
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Weissenstein A, Villalon G and Alieva EM:
- Micropsia in a 5 Years Old Son and Concomitant Telopsia of the Mother in Teenager Age Supposing a Genetic Origin in Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
- Nov Res Sci. 5(3). NRS.000613. 2020. DOI: 10.31031/NRS.2020.05.000613
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Anne Weissenstein, Lara Bittmann, Elena Moschüring-Alieva and Gloria Villalon:
- Alice in Wonderland Syndrome: an update of present data with a special view to body position, Traumatic and Genetic Aspects
- Journal of Regenerative Biology and Medicine, 2020;3(1):1-5
- Stefan Bittmann, Elisabeth Luchter, Anne Weissenstein, Elena Moschüring-Alieva, Gloria Villalon:
- A Case Report in Teenager Age: Is Lying Position a Trigger of Visual Sensations In Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?
- Applied Medical Research, 2020 - DOI: 10.5455/amr.20201011
- Bittmann S, Alieva EM, Villalon G and Luchter E:
- Chronological Experience of Alice in Wonderland-Like Visual Impairment Due To Correlating Physical Abuse till Teenager Age
- Research in Pediatrics & Neonatology, RPN.000594 4(4).2020
- Bittmann S, Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G:
- Heterozygote Autosomal Dominant Mutation of STXBP1-Gene Inducing Encephalopathy with Global Developmental Delay, Atactic Movement Disorder and Focal Seizures in A 2-Years Old Boy
- American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 12/2019
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Villalon G, Weissenstein A, Moschüring-Alieva E:
- Hereditary Mutation of SLC6A5 Gene induces Hyperekplexia (startle disease) in two sisters: A treatable neuropediatric Disease
- Frontiers Journal of Case Reports and Images, 12/2019
- Bittmann S, Weissenstein A, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G:
- First Case of Alice in Wonderland-like Seizures in a Mother and her Daughter: A New Sign for a Hereditary Origin?
- American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research, 12/2019
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Villalon G, Moschüring-Alieva E:
- Aplasia Cutis Congenita (ACC): An Extremely Rare Case in Childhood
- J Clin Cases Rep 3(3): 66-68, 2019
- Bittmann S, Moschüring-Alieva E, Luchter E, Villalon G:
- Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma of Conjunctival Tissue and Musculus Rectus Medialis in a 14 Years-Old Girl.
- Am J Biomed Sci & Res. 2019 - 5(3)
- Bittmann S:
- China restaurant syndrome: an unusual neurological experience due to glutamate
- Frontiers Journal of Case Reports and Images (FJCRI), Volume 01, Issue 01, 2019-09
- Bittmann S, Luchter E, Moschüring-Alieva E, Villalon G:
- Plummer-Vinson Syndrome as an Unusual Cause of Dysphagia and Iron Deficiency Anemia in a 6-year-old Boy
- Journal of Clinical Cases and Reports, Vol 3, Iss 2, 2019 (India)
- Villalon G; Weissenstein A, Crook D, Luchter E, Bittmann S:
- Sternoclavicular joint cyst in a 21 months years old child
- Frontiers Journal of Case Reports and Images, 1 (1), 1-2, 2019
- Bittmann S, Villalon G, Weissenstein A, Luchter E:
- Benzodiazepine intoxication in a neonate by maternal use in pregnancy
- J Clinical Cases Rep 2 (4):106-108 (2019)
- Bittmann S, Hebestreit A, Springer A:
- Pentalogy of Cantrell: two cases and review of the literature
- Surg Childh Intern 9 (1), 47-49 (2001)
- Bittmann S, Dönmez F, Winkler A, Krüger C (2006)
- Infantile myofibromatosis in a neonate (German)
- Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde 154: Suppl. 1, abstract DGKJ-PS-73 (CD-Rom)
- a Caglayan AO, Demiryilmaz F, Kendirci M, Ozyazgan I, Akalin H, Bittmann S:
- Mixed gonadal dysgenesis with 45,X/46,X,idic(Y)/46,XY,idic(Y) karyotype
- Genetic Counseling 20(2):173-9 (2009)
- Bittmann S, Doenmez F, Winkler A, Diebold K, Katenkamp D, Tewes G, Kruger C:
- Multicentric infantile non-visceral myofibromatosis in a neonate causing hip contracture
Pediatrics International 2009 (Febr) 51(1):159-61
Official Journal of the Japanese Pediatric Society, Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S:
- Calcific tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon in children
Klin Pädiatr. 2006 Jan-Feb;218(1):45-6
Klinische Pädiatrie, Deutschland; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Wieczorek D, Stallmach T, Ulus H:
- 45,X/46,X,dic(Y)-Mosaicism in the newborn
Klin Pädiatr. 2005 Sep-Oct;217(5):300-3
Klinische Pädiatrie, Deutschland; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S:
- Isolated juvenile xanthogranuloma of clitoral connective tissue
Klin Pädiatr. 2005 Jul-Aug;217(4):238-9
Klinische Pädiatrie, Deutschland; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Concomitant pilomatrixoma and peripheral schwannoma in a child
Klin Pädiatr. 2005 Jan-Feb;217(1):34-5
Klinische Pädiatrie, Deutschland; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Ulus H, Springer A:
- Combined pentalogy of Cantrell with tetralogy of Fallot, gallbladder agenesis, and polysplenia: a case report
J Pediatr Surg. 2004 Jan;39(1):107-9
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Journal of the American Society of Pediatric Surgery, USA Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Gunther MW, Ulus H:
- Tumoral calcinosis of the gluteal region in a child: case report with overview of different soft-tissue calcifications
J Pediatr Surg. 2003 Aug;38(8):E4-7
Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Journal of the American Society of Pediatric Surgery, USA Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S:
- Calcific tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon in a child
European Journal of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology 14 (3), 180 (2004)
Frankreich; Peer-Review Journal
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Seltener Befund im Rahmen einer elektiven Herniotomie: Gonosomales XO/XY-Mosaik bei einem männlichen Säugling
- Pädiatrische Praxis 64, 271-273 (2003/2004); EMBASE-listed, Deutschland
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Ein ungewöhnlicher kinderchirurgischer Fall: Peripheres Schwannom und Pilomatrixom bei einem 10-jährigen Mädchen
Monatsschrift für Kinderheilkunde, 152 (12):1327-1329 (2004)
Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder-und Jugendmedizin, Deutschland
- Bittmann S, Ulus H:
- Kalkgicht bei einem 15-jährigen Jungen: Fallbericht mit Überblick über verschiedene Weichteilkalzifikationen
- Pädiatrische Praxis 63, 103-108 (2003), EMBASE-listed, Deutschland
- Bittmann S, Bittmann S:
- Pflege eines Kindes mit Ösophagusatresie
- Die Schwester-Der Pfleger 43 (1), 26-28 (2004)
- Bittmann S:
- Gute Sonne-Schlechte Sonne, Hautkrebsprävention im Kindergarten
Vortrag im Auftrag der Krebsgesellschaft NRW und der European Skin Cancer Foundation,
Ochtrup, 27.08.2014
- Bittmann S:
- Allergien im Kindesalter: Warum muss der Teddy weg
Vortrag im Rahmen der Allergiewoche 2009 Familienbildungsstätte Stadtlohn,
Stadtlohn, 6.5.2009
- Bittmann S:
- Myelitis transversa
Zertifizierte Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Kinderärzte der Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe,
Ahlen, 14.3.2007
- Bittmann S:
- Ein Neugeborenes mit subkutanen Knoten-infantile Myofibromatose
Zertifizierte Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe Klinische Visite für Kinderärzte,
29.03.2006 Kinderklinik Ahlen
- Bittmann S:
- Akute Zyanose im Kindesalter nach HNO-Eingriff
Zertifizierte Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Ärztekammer Westfalen-Lippe Klinische Visite für Kinderärzte,
7.12.2005 Kinderklinik Ahlen
- Schlicht W, Bittmann S, Pieper WM:
- Stellenwert der Funktionsdiagnostik des oberen Gastrointestinaltraktes
216. Jahrestagung der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Kinderchirurgie,
23.11.2002, Wuppertal
- Morgenstern B, Bittmann S:
- Haematogene Osteomyelitis im Kleinkindesalter: Eine seltene Komplikation nach Windpockeninfektion
216. Jahrestagung der Rheinisch-Westfälischen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde und Kinderchirurgie,
23.11.2002, Wuppertal
- Beyerlein S, Bittmann S, Bach C, Schier F:
- Popliteal Cysts In Childhood
31. International Symposium Of Pediatric Surgery,
Obergurgl, Österrreich 21.-23.1.2002
- Beyerlein S, Bittmann S, Bach C, Schier F:
- Bakerzysten im Kindesalter-Eine Übersicht von 36 Fällen
37. Kongress für Sportmedizin und Prävention,
Rotenburg a.d. Fulda, 26.-30.9.2001
- Bittmann S (in Vertretung für Herrn Prof. Hager, Universitätsklinik Innsbruck):
- Leberabszesse
Internationales Donau-Symposium,
Linz, Österreich, 1999
- Bittmann S, Kellnar S:
- Long-Term Results after Portoenterostomy-A 20 Years Survey
Interdisciplinary Symposium Of Biliary Atresia,
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover, 1999
- Schuster T, Joppich I, Bittmann S:
- Long-Term Follow-Up Of Gracilis Muscle Transposition In Children. A Computerized Vectormanometry Study
V. Colorectal Club Meeting,
Cologne, 19.-20.7.1998
- Knorr P, Bittmann S, Dietz HG:
- Funktionelle Ergebnisse nach geschlossener Reposition und Kirschnerdrahtosteosynthese
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kindertraumatologie „Die Supracondyläre Humerusfraktur“,
Graz, Österreich, 6/1998
- Bittmann S, Doenmez F, Winkler A, Krüger C:
- Infantile Myofibromatose bei einem Neugeborenen
Poster. 102. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde
14.-17. September 2006, Universitätsklinik Mainz
- Stefan Bittmann:
- Updates on Pediatric Health and Disease, Bentham Science
- Chapter: COVID-19 in children. 7/2020
- Stefan Bittmann, Hanifa Lalee
- Checkliste Pädiatrie und Neonatologie
- Erscheinungsdatum 12/2009, Elsevier Verlag, München
- Bittmann S:
- Honig wirkt gegen Wundinfektionen
- Deutsche Ärztezeitung 27 (17):9 (2008)
- Bittmann S:
- Die Gallengangssatresie im Kindesalter
- Forum Medizin 8, 6-11 (1999), Österreichisches Fachblatt
- Bittmann S:
- Harvards 6-weeks Plan on healthy eating“ Harvard Medical School, Online Course
- USA, since 7/2019
- Organizing Congress Member
- Pediatrics and Neonatology
- May 18-19 2020
- » more ...
- Bittmann S, Organizing Member:
- International Conference on Pediatrics and Neonatal Healthcare „Current Emerging Hortons in Pediatrics by Global Gathering“
- March 30-31, 2020, Kyoto, Japan
- Bittmann S, Luther E, Villalon G:
- An innovative new technique of pediatric vaccination: Take both hands and hold the needle to avoid damage of nociceptors and capillaries
accepted for Video Presentation, International Conference on Pediatrics and Neonatology Theme: Promulgating the Outcomes and Research in field of Pediatrics, November 11-12, 2019, Rome, Italy
organized by: Coalesce Research Group, Brooklyn, New York, USA